On 30th July as a part of summarizing the results of socio-economic development of Lypovetska district for the first half of 2013

On 30th July as a part of summarizing the results of socio-economic development of Lypovetska district for the first half of 2013 in the district House of Culture was held report meeting with Chairman of Regional State Administration Ivan Movchan, Deputy Chairman of the Regional Council Igor Krevskyi, their assistants, heads of departments, main offices, departments of state administration, territorial ministries, administration of central executive power and community of the region.

During the meeting were discussed changes in health, educational institutions sphere, question of the harvest and his level, state of payments for milk, housing, provision of drinking water to residents of the district.

In Parliament is discussed a number of questions with which the residents of the district apply to me. My voters and such meetings allow becoming near to the problems and events which occur in the district. The new format of working of the regional government is very effective and progressive.