On 22 July at 11:30 was conducted a conference in which participated the director of the Institute of bioenergy crops and sugar beets of NAASU

On 22 July at 11:30  was conducted a conference in which participated  the director of the Institute of bioenergy crops and sugar beets of NAASU Royik Mykola Volodymyrovych, vice-rectors, institute directors and deans of the faculties of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University; members of delegation from China, which consisted from Executive Director  of “China-Ukraine International Engineering Association Limited” - Liu Huanlin, representative of Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine in Republic of China - Viktor Tanasiichuk, corporation director Kem Chaina, member of Association – Zhang Hao and General director of Xinijang Corporation Tian Ie Huang Yaosin. During the meeting to the guests from China was presented a pilot project in the form of Ukrainian Scientific, Education and Research Consortium.

During the conference were discussed the main areas of joint activities and cooperation in education, research and production sphere of the Consortium.

Such a form of learning and practical training as a Consortium became very interesting for Chinese representatives, because they are willing to make invest in the development of scientific, research and production sectors of agriculture of Ukraine.

At the end of the meeting was signed Agreement on Cooperation between the China-Ukraine International Engineering Cooperation Association Limited  and Ukrainian Scientific, Education and Research Consortium. This agreement will enable us to establish a chain - "investments-production-sales of products" because such a cooperation between the two countries involves not only the provision of investments for the development and production of crops and livestock sector, but further their realization in the production markets of China.